Dates & Facts about the Old Salt Works in Bad Reichenhall

Are you interested in the technical details of salt extraction? Here you will find current facts and figures.

Außenaufnahme der Alten Saline Nachts

Geological Data

Salinity in the rock

approx. 50 %

Fluctuation range

0 - 90 %

Expansion of the salt and brine deposits from west to east

4.5 km

Expansion of the salt and brine deposits from north to south

2.5 km

estimated depth

2.000 m below sea level

Salt production today

Raw material for table salts

Natural brine from the Bad Reichenhall basin

Number of drilling sites

3 sites

Brine production per year

300.000 m³

Raw material for industrial salts 

Brine from the Berchtesgaden salt mine


Evaporated salt - production

Evaporated salt - production per year

300.000 t

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Don't be afraid to raise your hand during your guided tourTech enthusiasts will get their money's worth during a visit to the Old Salt Works Bad Reichenhall.

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Huge water wheels in the old salt works Bad Reichenhall
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Solebrunnen mit Kind in der Alten Saline